"the boss" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary (2024)


"the boss" in Spanish




el- los- la- las


el- la- los- lasel- la- por- el- la- los- las

Similar TranslationsContext Examples



the(also: as)


To describe the situation in this manner is extremely premature, to say the least.

Describir así la situación es, cuanto menos, extremadamente prematuro.

Will the Council give us answers to these questions, convincing ones at least?

Y bien,¿nos contestará el Consejo estas preguntas de un modo cuanto menos convincente?

The more complex the molecule, the more intense is the greenhouse effect.

El efecto invernadero es tanto más intenso cuanto más compleja es la molécula.




The Council, not the Commission and not Parliament: the Council is the problem!

Él, el Consejo, y no la Comisión ni el Parlamento: el Consejo es el problema.

The Council and Parliament have the power to monitor the work of the Commission.

El Consejo y el Parlamento tienen el poder de controlar el trabajo de la Comisión.

Mr Strauss-Kahn himself said that he may be the last European to head the IMF.

El propio Strauss-Kahn dijo que quizás él sería el último europeo en dirigir el FMI.



Those who do know what the costs are incorporate them into airport fees.

Los que saben cuáles son los costes, los incorporan en las tasas de los aeropuertos.

and foster the ministries, the offices and roles of the lay faithful that find

promover los ministerios, los oficios y las funciones de los fieles laicos, que

The citizens of Europe and the parliaments that represent them are the winners.

Los ganadores son los ciudadanos de Europa y los Parlamentos que los representan.



The community of Europe - the initiative of the European Union - is the answer.

La comunidad de Europa -la iniciativa de la Unión Europea- es la respuesta.

I would just like to draw attention to the last matter - the question of security.

Me gustaría dirigir la atención a la última cuestión -la cuestión de la seguridad-.

Three of them - Amendments Nos 4, 5 and 7, referred to the commitology procedure.

Tres de ellas -la 4, la 5 y la 7-, se referían al procedimiento de comitología.

The majority of my own amendments - the most significant - were adopted.

La mayoría de mis enmiendas -las más significativas- fueron aprobadas.

However, the second type of policies - stimulative policies - are essential.

Pero el segundo tipo de políticas -las políticas de impulso- son fundamentales.

The most difficult working conditions are faced by female immigrants.

Las condiciones laborales más difíciles las soportan las mujeres inmigrantes.


the(also: ye, the)


Despite this, of course, the report has the support of the GUE/NGL Group.

A pesar de ello, lógicamente, el informe cuenta con el apoyo del Grupo GUE/NGL.

MrPresident, the aim of my amendment is to clarify and improve the text.

SeñorPresidente, el objetivo de mi enmienda es aclarar y mejorar el texto.

Finally, Mr President, the closure of Vilvorde is not just a one-off case.

Por último, señor Presidente, el cierre de Vilvorde no es un accidente en el camino.

the(also: ye, the)


Hundreds of thousands of young people - the intelligentsia - are leaving the country.

Cientos de miles de personas -la inteligencia- abandonan el país.

some of which had already been independent for some time, and others - the

de ellas independientes desde hacía tiempo, otras —la mayoría— nacidas como

So to recap and to make it quite clear: the committee's table is not the same as that of the PPE.

En resumen, vuelvo a aclararlo:¡la tabla que propone la comisión es distinta de la tabla del PPE!

the(also: ye, the)


We must stop, not regulate, the actions of speculative funds.

Debemos detener, no reglamentar, las actuaciones de los fondos especulativos.

Spaces will cause your URLs to "break," and the tracking won't work.

Los espacios "rompen" las URL y provocan que el seguimiento no funcione.

For me, however, the issues of transparency and measurable results remain doubtful.

Para mí, sin embargo, las cuestiones de la transparencia y los resultados medibles siguen dudosas.

the(also: ye, the)


over and over again, or the prospectives of self-destruction through the use of

continuamente, o las perspectivas de autodestrucción a través del uso de las

Consider, too, the activities of Parliament’ s Committee on Budgetary Control.

El Comité de las Regiones no es la respuesta a las lamentaciones regionales.

We support, however, the amendments involving reduced bureaucracy for companies.

En cambio, apoyamos las enmiendas encaminadas a reducir la burocracia para las empresas.

the(also: ye, the)


Despite this, of course, the report has the support of the GUE/NGL Group.

A pesar de ello, lógicamente, el informe cuenta con el apoyo del Grupo GUE/NGL.

MrPresident, the aim of my amendment is to clarify and improve the text.

SeñorPresidente, el objetivo de mi enmienda es aclarar y mejorar el texto.

Finally, Mr President, the closure of Vilvorde is not just a one-off case.

Por último, señor Presidente, el cierre de Vilvorde no es un accidente en el camino.

the(also: ye, the)


Hundreds of thousands of young people - the intelligentsia - are leaving the country.

Cientos de miles de personas -la inteligencia- abandonan el país.

some of which had already been independent for some time, and others - the

de ellas independientes desde hacía tiempo, otras —la mayoría— nacidas como

So to recap and to make it quite clear: the committee's table is not the same as that of the PPE.

En resumen, vuelvo a aclararlo:¡la tabla que propone la comisión es distinta de la tabla del PPE!

the(also: a)


Thank you for your answer, Mrs Neyts-Uyttebroeck, and for the information that you gave.

Gracias, señora Presidenta, por su respuesta y por su información.

'Enter into constructive talks' with 'Continue the constructive talks'.

"entable conversaciones constructivas" por "continúe las conversaciones constructivas".

Many thanks for your answer, Commissioner, and for the passion with which you delivered it.

– Muchas gracias, señor Comisario, por su respuesta y por la pasión que ha puesto en ella.

the(also: ye, the)


Despite this, of course, the report has the support of the GUE/NGL Group.

A pesar de ello, lógicamente, el informe cuenta con el apoyo del Grupo GUE/NGL.

MrPresident, the aim of my amendment is to clarify and improve the text.

SeñorPresidente, el objetivo de mi enmienda es aclarar y mejorar el texto.

Finally, Mr President, the closure of Vilvorde is not just a one-off case.

Por último, señor Presidente, el cierre de Vilvorde no es un accidente en el camino.

the(also: ye, the)


Hundreds of thousands of young people - the intelligentsia - are leaving the country.

Cientos de miles de personas -la inteligencia- abandonan el país.

some of which had already been independent for some time, and others - the

de ellas independientes desde hacía tiempo, otras —la mayoría— nacidas como

So to recap and to make it quite clear: the committee's table is not the same as that of the PPE.

En resumen, vuelvo a aclararlo:¡la tabla que propone la comisión es distinta de la tabla del PPE!

the(also: ye, the)


We must stop, not regulate, the actions of speculative funds.

Debemos detener, no reglamentar, las actuaciones de los fondos especulativos.

Spaces will cause your URLs to "break," and the tracking won't work.

Los espacios "rompen" las URL y provocan que el seguimiento no funcione.

For me, however, the issues of transparency and measurable results remain doubtful.

Para mí, sin embargo, las cuestiones de la transparencia y los resultados medibles siguen dudosas.

the(also: ye, the)


over and over again, or the prospectives of self-destruction through the use of

continuamente, o las perspectivas de autodestrucción a través del uso de las

Consider, too, the activities of Parliament’ s Committee on Budgetary Control.

El Comité de las Regiones no es la respuesta a las lamentaciones regionales.

We support, however, the amendments involving reduced bureaucracy for companies.

En cambio, apoyamos las enmiendas encaminadas a reducir la burocracia para las empresas.


Similar translations for "the boss" in Spanish




el- los- la- las


el- la- los- lasel- la- por- el- la- los- las

to thepreposition



patrón- jefe- núcleo- caudillo- amo- jefa- capo- futre- tachón- clave- cubo- pope- patrona- dirigente

to bossverb



Context examples for "the boss" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.

Also, Mrs Ashton, I have here Tony Blair, your former boss, kissing the dictator.

También, señora Ashton, tengo aquí a Tony Blair, su antiguo jefe, besando al antiguo dictador.

So we have farmers with Hugo Boss ties now. We did not have this five to ten years ago.

Así que ahora tenemos agricultores con corbatas de Hugo Boss, algo que no teníamos hace cinco o diez años.

I was…boss / supervisor / colleague / teacher from…to… .

Fui jefe / supervisor / colega / profesor de X desde... hasta...

here's a copy of the boss's memo for your edification

aquí tienes una copia del memorándum del jefe para que te instruyas

she had to carry out the boss's duties while he was away

en ausencia del jefe tuvo que desempeñar sus funciones

now he's boss, he's become a little tin god

ahora que es director se ha convertido en un pequeño dictador

I have more sense than to contradict my boss

no soy tan tonto como para contradecir a mi jefe

while my back was turned he went and told the boss

fue y se lo contó al jefe a mis espaldas

I'd as soon quit as work under a boss like that

antes que trabajar con un jefe así, me voy

and who the hell are you to boss me around?

¿y tú quién diablos eres para darme órdenes?

I might drop a hint to the boss in passing

puede que se lo deje caer al jefe de pasada

Madam President, I believe it was your boss who said that our foreign policy is like a bus with 15 drivers!

Señora Presidenta, nuestra política exterior -creo que ha sido su jefe quien lo ha dicho- se parece a un autobús con 15 conductores.

I nerved myself to face the boss

me armé de valor para enfrentarme al jefe

she was hauled up before her boss

tuvo que ir a rendirle cuentas al jefe

things are strained between her and her boss

está tirante con su jefe

he's very free with his boss

se toma muchas libertades con su jefe

he does a really good sendup of the boss

imita muy bien al jefe

what do you think of the new boss?

¿qué piensas del nuevo jefe?

what the boss says goes

donde hay patrón no manda marinero

to have a word with the boss

échale una hablada al jefe

"the boss" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary (2024)


"the boss" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary? ›

(gen) jefe (jefa ) m/f.

What is the Spanish word for boss? ›

(gen) jefe (jefa ) m/f.

What is the meaning of La Jefe? ›

El Jefe (f. La Jefa) is a Spanish term meaning "the chief" or "the boss".

What is the translation of boss? ›

boss noun [C] (MANAGER)

She was the boss of a large international company. वह एक बड़ी अंतरराष्ट्रीय कंपनी की बॉस थी।

What is a word for boss? ›

Strongest matches. administrator, chief, chieftain, director, employer, executive, leader, owner, supervisor.

Why do Mexicans say Jefe? ›

Jefe or jefa means “boss” which is a strange word to use as a term of endearment. However, in Mexico we recognize that our parents are the “bosses of the family” and call them exactly that in a playful way. I remember calling jefecita or “l*ttle boss” to my mom, and jefazo or “big boss” to my dad many times.

Can I call my boss Jefe? ›

While both jefe and patrón can be used to refer to a boss or employer, jefe is a more neutral and widely-used term, while patrón can have more specific connotations depending on the context and cultural background.

What is slang for Jefe? ›

leader; chief; boss.

What are the Spanish names that mean boss? ›

“Jefe” and “jefa” are the literal translation of “boss”. In some Hispanic American cultures, it is very common to hear people refer to their parents as “mis jefes/los jefes.”

Does El Patron mean boss? ›

El Patron is roughly translated to “the boss,” but the cultural meaning behind this phrase is far broader. It also means “master” or “lord." The word connotes a far off-ness, an otherness to the boss or manager.

Is the word boss derogatory? ›

A boss in this sense defined as someone who gives direction and or orders in a domineering fashion- I find that this term can be not only condescending, but derogatory as well, especially when used in the aforementioned manner.

What is the meaning of Mi Jefe? ›

noun. , Spanish. , plural je·fes [he, -fes, hey, -feyz]. leader; chief; boss.

Does Padron mean boss? ›

padrone in American English

1. a master; boss. 2. an employer, esp. of immigrant laborers, who provides communal housing and eating arrangements, controls the allocation of pay, etc., in a manner that exploits the workers.

What is another word for El Jefe? ›

What is another word for jefe?
boss mandirector
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