GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (2024)

Wed Jan 24, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Curtis throws a bon voyage party for Trina and Spencer, Heather opens up to Laura, Kevin appears to get through to Esme, and Kristina learns the result of her pregnancy test.

Tuesday’s GH recap: Curtis and His Family Are Overjoyed When He Has Feeling in His Foot, and Jordan Reveals She Was Nabbed by the Feds

Esme rifles through the drawers of The Invader and finds a credit card.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (1)

She jumps on the laptop and gets ready to book a flight out of Port Charles when Kevin catches her.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (2)

She closes the browser and talks about moving forward without Ace since she has no choice.

She’s been through this before but this time thinks her son will be confused and scared since he doesn’t know Nikolas.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (3)

Kevin thinks Nikolas will take care of him. He notices she’s defensive but reminds her she’s his niece.

She knows and finds it strange. He asks why she didn’t tell anyone, not even the cops that Nikolas took Ace.

She tells him she knew the police would not treat it as a kidnapping and there’s nothing anyone could do.

Kevin tells her not to underestimate what Laura will do for family.

He asks what he can do but she doesn’t think anyone wants to help Ryan and Heather’s kid.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (4)

“I’ve done terrible things, or so I’m told,” she says.

Kevin tells her she can try to do better and ask for help but Esme doesn’t think it’s that easy.

He asks if she wants to change. She does and asks for his help. She wants to be a good mom and raise him in peace. She has to focus on the future and doing whatever it takes to keep him with her.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (5)

As she talks, she walks to the cabinet, grabs a statue and swings it, slamming it into Kevin’s head.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (6)

Kevin goes down and falls unconscious on the carpet.

She’s not falling for “Uncle Kevin,” and thinks he should save pity for Spencer and Trina.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (7)

At The Savoy, Portia and Curtis have a bon voyage party for Trina and Spencer.

Marshall and Stella are on hand with Ava and Joss.

Spencer comes rushing in, hoping he’s not late. He says Laura’s on her way.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (8)

Portia takes Ava aside and they talk about Trina leaving Port Charles and how it makes Portia nervous.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (9)

They’ll both miss her and think it’ll be a reason to visit Paris.

They agree to lean on each other. Meanwhile, Marshall and Stella interrogate Spencer.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (10)

They learn he’s found a place in the Latin Quarter and will find something to occupy himself. He’s been to Paris before.

The kids take off to talk to Joss about Laura and Kevin being late.

Spencer admits he’s not her favorite person right now. He may have lost her support.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (11)

He finally reveals to both girls that he let his father take Ace. Joss isn’t keen on that.

She doesn’t like Esme but finds it “harsh” that he’d take her kid from her.

Trina’s shocked but Spencer says he’s sure that Esme has regained her memory.

He details what he knows and says his dad will care for his brother but Esme could have used him as a pawn.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (12)

Trina wishes he’d have told them sooner. Joss asks what they do. Spencer says they need proof that she remembers or she won’t go to prison.

Joss will get proof and tells them to focus on Paris.

Spencer wants Joss to be careful. Esme’s got to be planning something.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (13)

Nearby, Portia is sad to be missing Trina for four months and tells Stella she thinks she’s accepted that Spencer’s with her now.

Still, she worries about turmoil that follows Spencer everywhere.

Elsewhere, Marshall asks Curtis what’s going on.

He’s just tired. Marshall sees through him and Curtis admits he has real hope he’ll walk again.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (14)

The glimmer of hope being unrealized would be like waking up and realizing he’s paralyzed again.

Marshall gets it. Hope takes courage. Later, Trina hugs Curtis as they talk about her trip.

Later, Trina hugs Ava and vows to try to go to all the galleries she told her about.

Trina thanks Ava for helping her get into the Sorbonne by letting her become an intern.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (15)

Spencer thanks Portia for inviting him to the party but she says it wasn’t her idea.

She tells him she thinks trouble follows him and she doesn’t want that to happen here, or in Paris.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (16)

Trina finds her mother crying and thought they agreed no tears. Portia can’t help it.

Trina reminds her it’ll be just four months.

Portia’s in awe of her strength, beauty and wisdom and will miss her.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (17)

They hug and say I love yous.

Later, Curtis says a speech and the happy couple kisses.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (18)

Kristina’s surprised to see Molly at her place with groceries.

She hopes she’s not too pushy but Kristina laughs it off.

There might not be much room in the refrigerator, though. Molly learned a way to organize it so they take off into the kitchen.

They return later having organized things.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (19)

Molly’s anxious to learn if her sister’s pregnant but she wants to wait a few days to avoid a false negative.

Kristina says she keeps misplacing her phone and tells a story about a woman who couldn’t find hers when she realized it was in her hand.

Kristina’s too tense to laugh and produces a pregnancy test.

She wants her sis to find out now if she’s pregnant.

Molly’s going crazy not knowing.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (20)

She knows she’s being pushy but Krissy understands.

She gets a text from Blaze who hopes she’s having a good day and texts back that it’s getting better, while she smiles to herself.

Molly questions her and she lies that Zay’s covering a shift at Charlie’s for her. It’s hit Molly how much this will interfere in her life.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (21)

Krissy says not really until the second trimester. She finally agrees to take the test and once it’s done, Molly can’t look.

Kristina reads the test. She’s pregnant. The women laugh and hug.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (22)

At Maxie’s, James can’t find his truck so Maxie tells him where to search and then realizes he needs help.

While she’s in his room, Spinelli turns up.

He and Felicia talk about how much he’s enjoying living there and he thinks the rent he’s paying Maxie is helping her to make ends meet.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (23)

Felicia’s happy. Maxie returns and they cover what they were discussing.

Cody turns up and Spin tries to get rid of him. Cody rushes in and opens a present from Cody.

New boots for riding.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (24)

His were a little tight. He’s grown since Christmas. Maxie’s astounded and calls it too expensive.

He’s making great money at Deception and is happy that James has taken to riding. Spin pokes his head in, thinking Cody should have asked.

The boots are too big so Cody says he’ll call the guy he got them from and exchange them.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (25)

He goes outside to make the call and Spinelli follows. He knows what Cody’s doing. Cody’s puzzled and Spin accuses him of taking advantage of Maxie’s generous nature.

Cody points out that the’s the one living with her.

Spin points out his apartment is flooded and he’s paying Maxie rent. Besides, he’s Georgie’s father. Cody’s sucking up.

When Spin talks about Cody acting like a father figure, Cody smirks.

As Spinelli goes on about Maxie’s men, Cody stops him and says he’s not trying to romance Maxie.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (26)

Inside, James offers to get the money for the boots to help Maxie pay for the bills.

Maxie asks hi m not to listen in on his conversations and Felicia agrees.

He has better things to think about. Like horses. Maxie hugs her son.

Outside, Cody realizes Spin is jealous and calls them family to him.

He’s not into Maxie and if he wants to date her, Cody won’t stand in his way.

He sees how Maxie looks at him. Spinelli worries it’s been too long, so Cody offers romance pointers.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (27)

James rushes out and Cody tells the kid they’ll swap the boots out.

James drags him into his room to play a game and Maxie worries about her mothering since James knows about her money struggles.

She needs a minute and goes off into the other room while Felicia tells Spin to give Cody a chance.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (28)

Laura visits Heather in prison. Heather says it’s an honor and thinks it will give her bragging rights.

She offers condolences for Bobbie’s passing when Laura stops her. She’s only there to find out information about her grandson, Ace.

Our grandson you mean?” She knows Nikolas took off with him.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (29)

When Laura hears that Esme told her, she’s taken aback. When? Heather shrugs.

Sometimes a girl needs her mama. Laura says Esme was terrified of her so why would she come here?

Heather says she was distraught. Laura tells Heather that she talked to the police who didn’t consider it kidnapping.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (30)

Heather says Esme now sees her as the only person she can trust.

Laura disagrees. She’s become close with Esme since she gave birth.

“Yeah, that was before she remembered the horrible thinks your family did to her,” Heather snaps, causing Laura’s eyes to widen.

Heather explains how and when she remembered. Laura reminds her she’s the mayor. She could go to the PCPD.

Heather knows and hopes they’ll put her in Pentonville where she belongs, “With her mother.”

Laura doesn’t like that idea. Heather says Esme’s hell-bent on revenge against Spencer and Trina.

Laura worries, especially when Heather says Esme’s just like her. She wants to know if the mayor will help her.

Find her and stop her before she does something terrible.

GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (31)

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GH Recap: Kristina's Pregnant, Cody Accuses Spinelli of Being Jealous, Spencer and Trina Say Goodbye — & Esme Knocks Kevin Out (2024)
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