Endiness, the Land of Dragoons! (2024)

Endiness, the Land of Dragoons! (14)

This is the Endiness Image Gallery, where you can look at screenshots from the game. The images came from a variety of sources whom I give credit to at my Links page.

Have fun! ((I do not have the original files, so these links do not work))


  • Dart's Character Picture
  • Dart's Profile
  • A nice picture of Dart
  • Dart in the game intro 1
  • Dart in the game intro 2
  • Dart in the game intro 3
  • Dart on the ground
  • Dart gazing
  • Dart yelling with his sword
  • Dart kneeling with his sword
  • Dart looking up
  • Dart in Vellweb
  • Dart at the Fueno Inn
  • Dart near a save point in Mayfil
  • Dart crossing the bridge in the Prairie
  • Dart standing on a hill, looking at Seles
  • Dart fighting Feyrbrand
  • Dart with the Dragon Block Staff
  • Dart in Seles
  • Dart in Seles again
  • Dart in the Dragon's Nest
  • Dart sitting and pondering
  • Dart talking in Seles
  • Dart being attacked by the Commander
  • Dart attacking the Commander
  • Dart healing himself
  • Dart is about to fight!
  • Dart attacking
  • Dart defeats an enemy
  • Dart is about to fight again!
  • Dart using an Addition
  • Dart using an Addition again
  • Dart trying to avoid a Counter Attack
  • Dart attacking Doel
  • Dart's victory stance
  • Dart transforming into the Divine Dragoon
  • Divine Dragoon Dart with his sword
  • Dart as the Divine Dragoon!
  • Divine Dragoon Dart about to cast his cannon
  • Divine Dragoon Dart in the dust
  • Divine Dragoon Dart "sleeping"
  • Divine Dragoon Dart yeling
  • Divine Dragoon Dart looking back
  • Divine Dragoon Dart posing
  • Divine Dragoon Dart flying
  • Dart finishes transforming for the first time
  • Dart finishes transforming for the first time 2
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting Flameshot
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart attacking
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart practicing with Rose
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart attacking Dragoon Doel
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting Final Burst
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting Final Burst 2
  • Redy-Eye Dragoon Dart wins!
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart fighting Lenus
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart attacking Doel
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart's fiery attack
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart finishes his fiery attack
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart preparing to attack
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart preparing a magic attack
  • Large Red-Eye Dragoon Dart
  • Tall Red-Eye Dragoon Dart
  • Dart transforming 1
  • Dart transforming 2
  • Dart transforming 3
  • Dart transforming 4
  • Dart transforming 5
  • Dart transforming 6
  • Dart transforming 7
  • Dart transforming 8
  • Dart transforming 9
  • Dart transforming 10
  • Dart the Action Figure!


  • Rose's Character Picture
  • Rose's official profile
  • A large picture of Rose
  • Rose in Vellweb 1
  • Rose in Vellweb 2
  • Rose in Vellweb 3
  • Rose in Hoax 1
  • Rose in Hoax 2
  • Rose in Hoax 3
  • Rose in the Volcano
  • Rose yelling out
  • Rose with her sword
  • Rose running
  • Rose on a cliff 1
  • Rose on a cliff 2
  • Rose sees a dragon
  • Rose looking at Feyrbrand
  • Rose attacking
  • Rose attacking Faust
  • Dark Dragoon Rose awakening Dart's Dragoon Spirit
  • Dark Dragoon Rose attacking
  • Dark Dragoon Rose finishing an attack
  • Dark Dragoon Rose using magic
  • Dark Dragoon Rose's victory stance
  • Dark Dragoon Rose's victory stance 2
  • Dark Dragoon Rose casting Astral Drain
  • Dark Dragoon Rose casting Death Dimension
  • Dark Dragoon Rose finishing Astral Drain
  • Dark Dragoon Rose zooming away
  • Dark Dragoon Rose covering her face
  • Dark Dragoon Rose gazing
  • Dark Dragoon looking back
  • Dark Dragoon Rose reaching out
  • Sparkling Dark Dragoon Rose
  • Dark Dragoon Rose on a white background
  • Dark Dragoon Rose looking down
  • Large Dark Dragoon Rose
  • Rose transforming 1
  • Rose transforming 2
  • Rose transforming 3
  • Rose the Action Figure!


  • Lavitz' Character Picture
  • Lavitz' official profile
  • Lavitz attacking
  • Lavitz attacking Guftas
  • Lavitz attacking Feyrbrand
  • Lavitz finishing off an enemy
  • Lavitz attacking Fruegal
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz is angry!
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz getting ready to use magic
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz preparing to attack
  • Jade Dragoon Lavitz on a white background
  • Tall Jade Dragoon Lavitz
  • Small Jade Dragoon Lavitz
  • Large Jade Dragoon Lavitz
  • Lavitz the Action Figure!


  • Shana's Character Picture
  • Shana's official profile
  • Shana waking up in Vellweb
  • Shana looking worried
  • A familiar picture of Shana
  • Shana in Seles
  • Shana lying in Vellweb
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana with her bow
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana casting Moonlight
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana casting Moonlight 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana casting Star Children
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana using her bow
  • White Silver Dragoon Shana on a sparkling background
  • Shana transforming 1
  • Shana transforming 2
  • Shana transforming 3
  • Shana the Action Figure!


  • Haschel's Character Picture
  • Haschel attacking Lenus
  • Haschel transforms


  • Kongol's Character Picture
  • Kongol's Official Profile
  • Kongol in the Land of Giganto
  • Bad Kongol attacks!
  • Kongol the Action Figure!


  • Albert's character picture
  • Albert attacks
  • A full-body picture of the handsome Albert
  • Jade Dragoon Albert on a sparkling background
  • Jade Dragoon Albert casting Wing Blaster
  • Jade Dragoon Albert finishes transforming
  • Jade Dragoon Albert casting Rose Storm 1
  • Jade Dragoon Albert casting Rose Storm 2


  • Meru's character picture
  • Meru's official profile
  • Meru posing
  • Meru looking down
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Freezing Ring
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Freezing Ring 2
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Freezing Ring 3
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 1
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 2
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 3
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 4
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 5
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 6
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 7
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Rainbow Breath 8
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Diamond Dust 1
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Diamond Dust 2
  • Blue Sea Dragoon Meru casting Diamond Dust 3
  • Meru transforms 1
  • Meru transforms 2
  • Meru transforms 3


  • Miranda yelling
  • Miranda yelling 2
  • Miranda in the Rainbow Light
  • Miranda in the Crystal Palace
  • A rare picture of Miranda with her bow
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 3 (just slightly different from the one above)
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda oustide the Moon 4
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda outside the Moon 5
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda inside the Moon 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda inside the Moon 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Moonlight 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Moonlight 2
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Moonlight 3
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Star Children
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Gates of Heaven 1
  • White Silver Dragoon Miranda casting Gates of Heaven 2
  • Miranda transforms 1
  • Miranda transforms 2
  • Miranda transforms 3
  • Miranda transforms 4
  • Miranda transforms 5
  • Miranda transforms 6
  • Miranda transforms 7
  • Miranda transforms 8


  • Lloyd's Character Picture
  • Lloyd's official profile
  • A handsome picture of Lloyd
  • Lloyd charging
  • Lloyd casting a spell
  • Lloyd is escaping!
  • Lloyd posing
  • Lloyd as the Hooded Man
  • Lloyd the Action Figure!

Group Pictures

  • Dart, Rose, and Shana as Dragoons
  • Dart, Rose, and Shana in Furni
  • Dragoons Dart, Shana, Rose, Lavitz, Haschel, and The Hooded Man
  • Dart, Shana, Haschel, Miranda, Kongol, and Meru as Dragoons
  • Commander and the Hooded Man 1
  • Commander and the Hooded Man 2
  • Commander and the Hooded Man 3
  • Dart and Rose in Vellweb
  • Dart, Kongol, and Meru on Coolon 1
  • Dart, Kongol, and Meru on Coolon 2
  • Rose and Zieg in the Moon
  • Dart flying to save Shana
  • Kongol, Meru, Albert, and Haschel as Dragoons
  • Rose and Zieg flying with the Dragon Buster
  • Rose and Zieg falling into the white light
  • Kongol holding Meru as Dragoons
  • Shana, Dart, and Lavitz fighting Urobolus 1
  • Shana, Dart, and Lavitz fighting Urobolus 2
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz in Volcano Villude
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz attacking Feyrbrand
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz attacking Fruegal 1
  • Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz attacking Fruegal 2
  • A close up of Rose, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz preparing to fight
  • Dart, Lavitz, and Shana fighting Urobolous (battle screen)
  • Dart, Lavitz, and Rose in a Jade Dragoon Special
  • Dart, Rose, and Lavitz fighting in the Dragon's Nest
  • Dragoon Dart, Rose, and Lavitz fighting Feyrbrand
  • Dart, Lavitz, and Rose fighting Feyrbrand 2
  • Greham attacking Dart
  • Shana, Dart, and Lavitz in a White Silver Dragoon Special
  • Albert, Dart, and Rose fighting Doel
  • Albert, Dart, and Rose as Dragoons
  • Albert, Dart, and Rose attacking Regole and Lenus
  • Lloyd attacking Kongol, Albert, and Dart
  • Dart, Albert, and Rose in Vellweb
  • Dart, Albert, and Rose in Vellweb 2
  • Albert, Kongol, and Dart attacking Melbu Frahma
  • Lavitz, Rose, and Dart in a Red-Eye Dragoon Special
  • Lavitz, and Rose and Dart as Dragoons
  • Dark Dragoon Rose casting Astral Drain on Lavitz and Dart
  • Red-Eye Dragoon Dart casting magic with Rose and Lavitz
  • Dart and Lavitz being healed by Astral Drain
  • Lavitz, Dart, and Shana in a White Silver Dragoon Special
  • Dart and Lavitz gaping in awe
  • Rose, Dart, and Lavitz in Hoax
  • Lavitz, Dart, and Rose in Hellena
  • Dart holding Lavitz as he dies 1
  • Dart holding Lavitz as he dies 2
  • Albert and Dart in Black Castle Kazas 1
  • Albert and Dart in Black Castle Kazas 2
  • Rose and Dart in the Barrens
  • Shana and Meru looking up
  • Kongol saving Albert from a pillar
  • Dart, Shana, and Meru looking on as Lenus dies
  • Dart, Shana, and Meru looking sad
  • Wink saves Lloyd
  • Dart and Rose with their Dragoon Spirits, Lavitz and Shana look on
  • Dart, Shana, Rose, and Lavitz with Greham as he dies
  • Rose, Dart, and Lavitz with their Dragoon Spirits in Shirely Shrine 1
  • Rose, Dart, and Lavitz with their Dragoon Spirits in Shirely Shrine 2
  • Rose, Lavitz, and Dart with the Red-Eye and White Silver Dragoon Spirits, with Shirley and Drake
  • Dart, Lavitz, Rose, and Shana with their Dragoon Spirits
  • Albert holding the Jade Dragoon Spirit, with Dart holding a dead Lavitz, and Rose and Shana looking on
  • Dart and Mappi race for the Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit
  • Dart and Rose hiding from Feyrbrand
  • Dart threatening the Commander and his guards
  • Dart, Shana, and Lavitz in the Limestone Cavern
  • Dart, Shana, and Lavitz in the Prairie
  • Dart, Shana, and Laviz in the shack
  • Dart, Lloyd, Shana, Diaz, Rose, and Albert in Vellweb (Spanish)
  • Diaz, Shana, Rose, Dart, and Albert in Vellweb (Spanish)
  • Dart and Shana as youngins
  • Lavitz, Dart, and some guards in Hellena
  • Lavitz, Dart, and Shana in the shack 2
  • Shana watching Dart and Lavitz acting like idiots
  • Lavitz and Dart protecting Hoax from Kongol and his guards
  • Dart, Lavitz, Rose, and Shana in a ransacked Hoax 1
  • Dart, Lavitz, Rose, and Shana in a ransacked Hoax 2
  • Dart, Rose, Lavitz, and Shana looking out over Volcano Villude
  • Dart, Rose, Shana, Albert, and Haschel in Fletz
  • Dart, Kongol, Meru, Rose, Shana, Albert, and Haschel in the Twin Castles
  • Lisa, Albert, Haschel, Shana, Dart, and Rose in a secret chamber
  • Lisa, King Zoir, Emille, Dart, and Albert in the Sun Chamber
  • The entire group in Aglis
  • Dart's flashback of himself and his mom and dad


  • The Official Logo
  • All Character Logo (Large)
  • All Character Logo
  • All Character Logo (small)
  • Everyone on Coolon Logo
  • The Red-Eye Dragoon Logo
  • The Dragon Campaign Logo
  • Dart, Shana, and Rose in Furni Logo
  • The Logo at the beginning of the game
  • The Ghost Ship Logo
  • The Japanese Logo
  • The Second Japenese Logo
  • The Melbu Frahma Logo
  • Dart, Shana, and Rose on the Queen Fury logo
  • The Darkness Dragoon Logo
  • Shana's Logo
  • The White Silver Dragoon Logo
  • Logo with the Dragoon Spirits
  • The Title Screen Logo
  • The Divine Tree Logo
  • Zieg
  • Evil Zieg
  • Another Evil Zeig
  • Good Zieg

Melbu Frahma

  • Melbu Frahma is UGLY!!
  • Another ugly picture of Melbu Frahma

Moon That Never Sets and the Divine Tree

  • The Moon is falling!
  • The Moon has set
  • The Divine Tree
  • The Divine Tree sprouting
  • The Divine Tree glowing
  • The Divine Tree exploding out of the ground
  • The Moon and the Divine Tree 1
  • The Moon and the Divine Tree 2
  • The Moon with Virage emerging on the Divine Tree

The Divine Dragon

  • The Divine Dragon flying
  • The Divine Dragon glancing
  • The Divine Dragon in Deningrad
  • The Divine Dragon glancing again
  • The Divine Dragon crashing into the Crystal Palace
  • The Divine Dragon Ball 1
  • The Divine Dragon Light
  • The Divine Dragon has sharp teeth
  • The Divine Dragon is HUGE!
  • The Divine Dragon spitting
  • The Divine Dragon Ball 2
  • The Divine Dragon Ball is warming up!
  • The Divine Dragon's Eye

The Dragon Campaign

  • All out attack!
  • A dragon zooming at full speed
  • A dragon flying
  • The dragon flying again
  • The dragon zooming again
  • The dragon prepares to attack
  • Michael's Dark Cannon
  • The martyr Kanzaz
  • The Virage with Kanzaz
  • A fiery explosion
  • A friend saving Rose
  • Rose dodging rocks
  • Kadessa
  • A clinging Virage
  • Belzac saving Shirley
  • Shirley talking with Belzac 1
  • Shirley talking with Belzac 2
  • Shirley preparing an arrow 1
  • Shirley preparing an arrow 2
  • Shirley fires her arrow
  • Shirley kills the Virage
  • Rose zooming
  • Zieg zooming
  • Zieg and Melbu Frahma fighting
  • Zieg and Melbu Frahma fighting again


  • Lenus
  • Lenus in the Sun Chamber
  • Lenus using magic
  • Lenus the Blue Sea Dragoon
  • Another picture of Blue Sea Dragoon Lenus

Emperor Doel

  • Emperor Doel transforms
  • Emperor Doel and his swords of Light and Darkness
  • Emperor Doel using Magic
  • Emperor Doel is defeated
  • Emperor Doel is dying

The Commander

  • The Commander
  • Another pic of the Commander
  • The Commander is coming!


  • Coolon in the sky
  • Coolon is hit!


  • Virage Emerging
  • More Virage
  • A glowing virage
  • A weird virage
  • A sketchy virage


  • Houses on fire in Seles
  • Firey arrows assault Seles
  • A charge into Seles
  • The church is Seles is about to explode
  • The church in Seles explodes
  • Smoke rises in Seles
  • A boy helps an old man
  • Chargers attack
  • Broken statues
  • Broken fountains
  • Seles aftermath
  • Forest 1
  • Forest 2
  • Forest 3
  • Forest 4
  • Forest 5
  • Hellena Prison
  • Escaping Hellena Prison
  • A bridge in Hellena Prison
  • The entrance of Hellena Prison
  • Hitching a ride in Hellena Prison
  • Sneaking into Hellena Prison
  • The elevator in Hellena Prison
  • The closed gate to Hellena Prison
  • Killing the guards of Hellena Prison
  • Lavitz meets Dart in Hellena Prison
  • Lavitz and Dart team up in Hellena Prison
  • Bale 1
  • Bale 2
  • Indels Castle
  • The entrance to Shirley's Shrine
  • The ride in Shirely Shrine 1
  • The ride in Shirely Shrine 2
  • Inside the Black Castle in Kazas
  • Fletz at night
  • The Valley of Corrupted Gravity 1
  • The Valley of Corrupted Gravity 2
  • The Land of Gigantos
  • The same as above only smaller
  • The Queen Fury
  • The Ghost Ship Commeth
  • The skull on the Ghost Ship
  • Here comes the Ghost Ship!
  • Sailors running around
  • "SMASH!!!"
  • Fueno
  • The Prison Island/Sea Cavern 1
  • The Prison Island/Sea Cavern 2
  • The Water City of Furni
  • The city of Deningrad
  • The Crystal Palace crumbling
  • The Crystal Palace getting zapped
  • The city is falling
  • The Church in Deningrad
  • The Forbidden Land 1
  • The same as above, but different colors
  • The same as above, only smaller
  • The Forbidden Land 2
  • The same as above, only smaller
  • The Mountain of Mortal Dragon
  • Kashua Glacier
  • Zenebatos 1
  • Zenebatos 2
  • Zenebatos 3
  • The Death City Mayfil
  • Feyrbrand chasing Dart
  • A nice picture of Feyrbrand
  • Something flying in the dusk
  • Fruegal fighting
  • Fruegal speaking
  • A man on his...horse?
  • Emperor Diaz rising
  • Emperor Diaz is coming closer
  • Guaraha
  • A rider
  • A Sandoran Guard
  • Selebus the Executioner
  • The game disks
  • Shana's disk
  • Summoning the Red-Eye Dragon 1
  • Summoning the Red-Eye Dragon 2
  • A large map of Endiness
  • A map of Endiness
  • A Fruit from the Divine Tree
  • A huge explosion!
  • The full instruction book cover
  • Dart's side of the instruction book cover
  • Germany's LoD game cover
  • Legend of Dragoon Action Figures! Collect them all!
  • Another look at Germany's Game cover
  • LoD notebook (not for sale!) :(
  • A black and white picture of Rose at Fort Magrad
  • The LoD OST cover
  • The Legend of Dragoon Booth at a trade show
  • An artist working on Shana
  • Dart for the Trade Show
  • Shana for the Trade Show
  • A menu screen
  • The opening screen (Japanese?)
  • The title screen
  • An overworld Map
  • Another Overworld Map
  • The cover to Prima's official guide
  • A rare quartet picture
  • The Dragon Campaign Story 1
  • The Dragon Campaign Story 2
  • The Dragon Campaign Story 3
  • The Moon Child Story 1
  • The Moon Child Story 2

Images from the Japanese game!

Note: These are NOT the real translations

  • Dart and Shana
  • Rose and the Hooded Man
  • Japanese game cover 1
  • Japanese game cover 2
  • Japanese Menu 1
  • Japanese Menu 2
  • Japanese Menu 3
  • Japanese Menu 4
  • Japanese Menu 5
  • Japanese Menu 6
  • Japanese Menu 7
  • Japanese Menu 8
  • Japanese Menu 9
  • Japanese Menu 10
  • Japanese battle screen 1
  • Japanese battle screen 2
  • "Like my horse?"
  • "Oops, I'm such a klutz..."
  • "Crap! A dragon!"
  • Japanese Overworld Map 1
  • Japanese Overworld Map 2
  • "I point my sword at you!"
  • "Now bow to me!"
  • "Dude, I'm Dragoon!"
  • "Wings....just aren't your style...."
  • Dart faints
  • "SHINIES!!"
  • "Not so loud, fool..."
  • "Damn, this place fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down..."
  • "He got sick because he ate all of the food..."
  • "By the way, I think that man over there with the silver hair is VERY sexy..."
  • "Trick or Treat!"
  • "Yes Master!"
  • "I'm a princess and you're not!"
  • "Hey! I'm talking here! Pay attention to me damnit!"
  • "I'm king...er...Queen of the World!"

Pre-Rendered images courtesy of Jeanine!

  • Aglis
  • Aglis 2
  • Aglis 3
  • Bale
  • Bale 2
  • Bale 3
  • Death Frontier
  • Deningrad
  • Deningrad 2
  • Donau
  • Donau 2
  • Ending Scene
  • Kazas
  • Marshlands
  • Mayfil
  • Mayfil 2
  • Mayfil 3
  • Moon
  • Moon 2
  • Moon 3
  • Moon 4
  • Neet
  • Shirley Shrine
  • Twin Castle
  • Ulara
  • Ulara 2
  • Zenebatos
Endiness, the Land of Dragoons! (2024)
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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

Last Updated:

Views: 5778

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.