"boss" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary (2024)


"boss" in Spanish


patrón- jefe- núcleo- caudillo- amo- jefa- capo- futre- tachón- clave- cubo- pope- patrona- dirigente

to boss{transitive verb}


SynonymsContext Examples



boss(also: employer, jig, landlord, pattern)


the boss himself walked in

el mero patrón entró por la puerta

Fishing bosses no longer want to invest in their boats so the fleet is ageing.

Los patrones ya no quieren invertir en sus barcos, por lo que la flota está envejeciendo.

what the boss says goes

donde hay patrón no manda marinero

boss(also: headman, manager, gaffer, jefe)


That is what was decided by the real boss: Mrs Merkel's Germany.

Eso es lo que ha decidido el verdadero jefe: la Alemania de la señora Merkel.

I am the absentee boss of a very small enterprise, our family business in London.

Soy el jefe ausente de una empresa muy pequeña, nuestra empresa familiar ubicada en Londres.

I was…boss / supervisor / colleague / teacher from…to… .

Fui jefe / supervisor / colega / profesor de X desde... hasta...



boss(also: chief, leader, master)


boss(also: chief, chieftain, leader)


in the event it was the boss herself who answered the phone

resultó ser la jefa misma quien contestó el teléfono

now that she's been made boss, she doesn't even give us the time of day

desde que la nombraron jefa, no nos da ni la hora

boss(also: chief)

capo{m} (mandamás)

a Mafia boss

un capo de la Mafia

gangland boss

capo del hampa


futre{m} [Chile] [coll.] (patrón)

boss(also: crossing out, stud)


boss(also: code, key, keystone, password)


boss(also: bucket, pail, volume, brick)



pope{m} [coll.] (jefe)

boss(also: chief, employer, landlady, patron)


boss(also: officer)


For 30 years, Parmalat’s bosses have received public subsidies, disguised their accounts and announced fictitious profits.

Durante 30 años, los dirigentes de Parmalat recibieron subvenciones públicas, disimularon las cuentas y anunciaron beneficios ficticios.

For 30 years, Parmalat’ s bosses have received public subsidies, disguised their accounts and announced fictitious profits.

Durante 30 años, los dirigentes de Parmalat recibieron subvenciones públicas, disimularon las cuentas y anunciaron beneficios ficticios.

to boss[bossed · bossed] {transitive verb}

to boss(also: to command, to control, to pervade, to rule)

dominar[dominando · dominado] {v.t.}


Synonyms (English) for "boss":


brag- chief- emboss- foreman- gaffer- hirer- honcho- knob- party boss- political boss- stamp


Context examples for "boss" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.

So we have farmers with Hugo Boss ties now. We did not have this five to ten years ago.

Así que ahora tenemos agricultores con corbatas de Hugo Boss, algo que no teníamos hace cinco o diez años.

here's a copy of the boss's memo for your edification

aquí tienes una copia del memorándum del jefe para que te instruyas

now that she's been made boss, she doesn't even give us the time of day

desde que la nombraron jefa, no nos da ni la hora

we'll have trouble in spades if this gets back to the boss

vamos a tener problemas a punta pala si se entera el jefe

we'll have trouble in spades if this gets back to the boss

vamos a tener problemas en cantidad si se entera el jefe

the next day, hat in hand, I apologized to the boss

al día siguiente me tragué el orgullo y le pedí perdón al jefe

in the event it was the boss herself who answered the phone

resultó ser la jefa misma quien contestó el teléfono

she had to carry out the boss's duties while he was away

en ausencia del jefe tuvo que desempeñar sus funciones

the whole office rang with talk of the boss's wedding

en la oficina no se hablaba sino de la boda del jefe

now he's boss, he's become a little tin god

ahora que es director se ha convertido en un pequeño dictador

he gets away with anything because he's the boss's son

a ese le aguantan todo porque es el hijo del jefe

he's in the boss's office having a good grovel

está en la oficina del jefe, pidiendo perdón de rodillas

she got the full treatment from the boss for her mistake

el jefe le dijo de todo por haberse equivocado

she had no hard feelings about him telling the boss

no le guardaba rencor por habérselo contado al jefe

the boss's nephew arrived and did me out of my job

llegó el sobrino del jefe y me chalequeó el puesto

the honeymoon period with their new boss didn't last long

poco les duró el idilio con el nuevo jefe

if the boss is behind you, you're bound to succeed

con el apoyo del jefe, llevas todas las de ganar

the boss wants to see us at 11 o'clock in his office

el jefe nos ha citado a las 11 en su oficina

I have more sense than to contradict my boss

no soy tan tonto como para contradecir a mi jefe

she kept pestering him to confront the boss

lo hostigaba para que se enfrentara con el jefe

"boss" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary (2024)


"boss" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary? ›

Jefe is the standard and proper word for a boss. If you have a boss in an office then you would call him "jefe".

What is the Spanish word for boss? ›

(gen) jefe (jefa ) m/f.

What are the Spanish names that mean boss? ›

“Jefe” and “jefa” are the literal translation of “boss”. In some Hispanic American cultures, it is very common to hear people refer to their parents as “mis jefes/los jefes.”

What does "jefe" mean? ›

El Jefe (f. La Jefa) is a Spanish term meaning "the chief" or "the boss".

What is a word for boss? ›

Strongest matches. administrator, chief, chieftain, director, employer, executive, leader, owner, supervisor.

What is tito short for? ›

Borrowed from Spanish tito, diminutive of tío (“uncle”), from Late Latin thius, from Ancient Greek θεῖος (theîos).

What is the Spanish word for leader? ›

• leaderjefedirector↔ Leiter
• leader→ jefecaudillocomandantepatrón↔ chef
• leader→ líder↔ figure de proue
• leader→ amodueño↔ maître
7 more rows

What does Joaquín mean? ›

Joaquin means “established by God” and is the Spanish version of the German name Joachim. A biblical name, Joaquin is also a saint considered the Virgin Mary's father. Even if people sometimes mispronounce it, Joaquin still makes a great choice if you want a sophisticated alternative to José or Juan.

What is boss in Mexico? ›

Let's start with jefe, since it's the more neutral and commonly-used term for a boss or a leader in Spanish. It can be used in both formal and informal settings, and refers to a person who has authority or control over others in a hierarchical organization or structure.

What is a good nickname for a boss? ›

boss man
  • big cheese.
  • big enchilada.
  • big fish.
  • big gun.
  • big shot.
  • big wheel.
  • biggie.
  • bigwig.

Does Padron mean boss? ›

padrone in American English

1. a master; boss. 2. an employer, esp. of immigrant laborers, who provides communal housing and eating arrangements, controls the allocation of pay, etc., in a manner that exploits the workers.

What does vato mean in Spanish? ›

"Vato" is a Spanish slang term that means "man" or "guy." It is a familiar or friendly way to address a man, similar to how "dude" or "bro" is used in English. " Vato" is a slang term and may be considered informal or even offensive by some people.

What is slang for Jefe? ›

leader; chief; boss.

What is the meaning of El Guapo? ›

In English, “el guapo” means “the handsome one” or “good-looking one” (masculine gender).

Is it el jefe or la jefe? ›

Boss can be translated into Spanish as: Jefe: this word can be either masculine and feminine. I'd say most people in the workplace would use jefe (iso the feminine form jefa) when talking about or addressing their female boss (la jefe).

What is the meaning of Mi Jefe? ›

noun. , Spanish. , plural je·fes [he, -fes, hey, -feyz]. leader; chief; boss.

What is another word for El Jefe? ›

What is another word for jefe?
boss mandirector
182 more rows

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